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Polar Heart Rate Monitor
When you think about heart rate monitoring, Polar heart rate monitor watches immediately come to mind. Polar is the most established and experienced of all heart rate monitor manufacturers, with the widest range of models to suit your training needs. In fact if you see someone doing exercise with a monitor, chances are very high that he or she is wearing a Polar monitor.
Polar heart rate monitors are commonly divided into series, with each series dedicated to the needs of one sport.
You can find more specific info about the individual models by clicking on their images below. You can also view the product on Amazon by clicking the "Click to Order" button.
Polar Fitness Heart Rate Monitors
The new FT series of Polar heart rate monitors is in the process of replacing the older F/FS series. These are general heart rate monitors ranging from the simple to the highly advanced. They are great for those who aim to improve their general fitness and/or manage their weight.
The FT series:
Model |
Type |
Main Features |

Polar FT1 |
Basic |
Manual heart rate training zone. Average /maximum heart rates.

Polar FT2 |
Basic |
Manual/Auto heart rate training zone. Average /maximum heart rates.

Polar FT4 |
Basic / Intermediate |
Manual/Auto heart rate training zone. Average /maximum heart rates. Calorie counter. Time in target zone. 10 sessions can be saved.

Polar FT7 |
Intermediate |
Auto Fat Burning and Fitness Improvement heart rate training zones. Average/maximum heart rates. Calorie counter. Time in zones. 99 sessions can be saved. Polar FlowLink (optional).

Polar FT40 |
Intermediate |
Auto Fat Burning and Fitness Improvement heart rate training zones. Fitness test. Average /maximum heart rates. Calorie counter with fat percentage. Time in zones. 50 sessions can be saved. Polar FlowLink (optional).

Polar FT60 |
Advanced |
Manual/Auto/OwnZone heart rate training zones. Fitness test. Star training program. Average/maximum heart rates. Calorie counter with fat percentage. Time in zones. 100 sessions can be saved. Polar FlowLink (optional). Foot Pod (optional). GPS Sensor (optional).

Polar FT80 |
Advanced |
Manual/Auto/OwnZone heart rate training zones. Fitness test. Star training program. Strength Training Guidance. OwnRelax Test. Average/maximum heart rates. Calorie counter with fat percentage. Time in zones. 100 sessions can be saved. Polar FlowLink included. Foot Pod (optional). GPS Sensor (optional).
Polar Running Heart Rate Monitors
The RS series of Polar heart rate monitors are primarily for people whose primary cardiovascular training method is running or for people who are taking part in competitive running races.
The RS series:
Model |
Type |
Main Features |
 Polar RS100 |
Intermediate |
Manual/Auto/OwnZone heart rate training zone. Calorie counter with fat percentage. Store 99 laps. Max/Ave HRs. Time in/above/below target zone. Two timers for interval training.
 Polar RS200 |
Intermediate (Superceded) |
Manual/Auto/OwnZone heart rate training zone. Fitness test. Polar Sports Zones. Calorie counter with fat percentage. Store 99 laps. Max/Ave HRs. Time in/above/below target zone. Three timers for interval training. Save 16 sessions. Upload data to Polar web site.

Polar RS200SD |
Intermediate (Superceded) |
RS200SD = RS200 + S1 Foot Pod Everything in RS200 plus speed and distance.
 Polar RS300X |
Intermediate (Replacing Polar RS200) |
Manual/Auto/OwnZone heart rate training zone. Fitness test. Polar Sports Zones. Calorie counter with fat percentage. Store 99 laps. Max/Ave HRs. Time in/above/below target zone. Three timers for interval training. Save 16 sessions. Upload data to Polar web site via FlowLink device. Compatible with GPS device.

Polar RS300X SD |
Intermediate (Replacing Polar RS200 SD) |
RS300X SD = RS300X + S1 Foot Pod Everything in RS300X plus speed and distance.

Polar RS300X G1 |
Intermediate (New with GPS) |
RS300X G1 = RS300X + G1 GPS Sensor Everything in RS300X plus speed and distance.
 Polar RS400 |
Advanced |
Manual/Auto/OwnZone heart rate training zone. Fitness test. OwnOptimizer Test. Polar Sports Zones. Calorie counter with fat percentage. Store 99 laps. Max/Ave HRs. Time in/above/below target zone. Three timers for interval training. Save 99 sessions. Polar ProTrainer 5 software.
 Polar RS400SD |
Advanced |
RS400SD = RS400 + S1 Foot Pod Everything in RS400 plus speed, distance and Running Index.
 Polar RS800 |
Advanced (Superceded) |
Manual/Auto/OwnZone heart rate training zone. Altitude. Heart rate variability. Fitness test. OwnOptimizer Test. Polar Sports Zones. Calorie counter with fat percentage. Store 99 laps. Max/Ave HRs. Time in/above/below target zone. Three timers for interval training. Save 99 sessions. Polar ProTrainer 5 software. Digital transmission. Can work with optional S3 Stride Sensor and G3 GPS Sensor.
 Polar RS800SD |
Advanced (Superceded) |
RS800SD = RS800 + S3 Stride Sensor Everything in RS800 plus speed, distance, cadence, stride length and Running Index.
 Polar RS800G3 |
Advanced (Superceded) |
RS800G3 = RS800 + G3 GPS Sensor Everything in RS800 plus speed, distance and Running Index. Uses GPS technology.
 Polar RS800CX |
Advanced (Replacing Polar RS800) |
Manual/Auto/OwnZone heart rate training zone. Altitude. Heart rate variability. Fitness test. OwnOptimizer Test. Polar Sports Zones. Calorie counter with fat percentage. Store 99 laps. Max/Ave HRs. Time in/above/below target zone. Three timers for interval training. Save 99 sessions. Polar ProTrainer 5 software. Digital transmission. Can work with optional S3 Stride Sensor, G3 GPS Sensor, Polar Speed and Cadence Sensors (for cyclists). Supports GPS tracking when used with G3 GPS Sensor.
 Polar RS800CX RUN |
Advanced (Replacing Polar RS800SD) |
RS800CX RUN = RS800CX + S3 Stride Sensor Everything in RS800CX plus speed, distance, cadence, stride length and Running Index.
 Polar RS800CX MULTI |
Advanced (Replacing Polar RS800G3) |
RS800CX MULTI = RS800CX + G3 GPS Sensor Everything in RS800CX plus speed, distance and Running Index. Uses GPS technology.
Polar Cycling Heart Rate Monitors
The CS series of Polar heart rate monitors are designed for cyclists. These units can measure cycling speed and distance information, and with the right accessories, also cadence and power output.
The CS series:
Polar Fitness Heart Rate Monitors
The F/FS series of Polar heart rate monitors are designed for people who want to keep fit and healthy and for people who aim to manage weight. Their features tend to be quite general and so can be used in many different types of training situations. This series is being replaced by the newer Polar FT series.
The F/FS series:
Model |
Type |
Main Features |

Polar FS1 |
Basic |
Manual heart rate training zone. Average heart rate.

Polar FS2 |
Basic |
Manual heart rate training zone. Average /maximum heart rates. Backlight. Note: This monitor is now superceded by Polar FS2C.

Polar FS2C |
Basic |
Manual heart rate training zone. Average /maximum heart rates. Backlight. Coded transmission.

Polar FS3 |
Basic |
Manual/Auto heart rate training zone. Average /maximum heart rates. Backlight. Note: This monitor is now superceded by Polar FS3C.

Polar FS3C |
Basic |
Manual/Auto heart rate training zone. Average /maximum heart rates. Backlight. Coded transmission.

Polar F4 |
Intermediate |
Manual/Auto heart rate training zone. Average /maximum heart rates. Calorie counter. Time in target zone. For women with small wrists.

Polar F6 |
Intermediate |
Manual/Auto/OwnZone heart rate training zone. Average /maximum heart rates. Calorie counter with fat percentage. Time in target zone.12 sessions can be saved. Upload data to Polar's training web site.

Polar F11 |
Advanced |
Manual/Auto/OwnZone heart rate training zone. Fitness test. Keeps U Fit training program. Average /maximum heart rates. Calorie counter with fat percentage. Time in target zone. 12 sessions can be saved. Reminders. Upload data to Polar's training web site.

Polar F55 |
Advanced |
Manual/Auto/OwnZone heart rate training zone. Fitness test. Keeps U Fit training program. Body Workout training program. Relaxation Session. Average /maximum heart rates. Calorie counter with fat percentage. Time in target zone. 26 sessions can be saved. Reminders. Upload data to Polar's training web site.
Polar Sports Heart Rate Monitors
The S-series are intermediate/advanced heart rate monitors for various sports including running and cycling. The S series:
Model |
Type |
Main Features |

Polar S120 |
Intermediate / Running |
Manual heart rate training zone. Store 60 laps. Max/Ave HRs. Time in/above/below target zone. Three consecutive timers for interval training. |

Polar S150 |
Intermediate / Running / Cycling |
Manual heart rate training zone. Store 50 laps. Max/Ave HRs. Time in/above/below target zone. Three consecutive timers for interval training. Speed and distance for cyclists. |

Polar S210 |
Intermediate / Running |
Manual heart rate training zone. Store 99 laps. Max/Ave HRs. Time in/above/below target zone. Three consecutive timers. Interval training set. Fitness test. Calorie counter. Coded analogue transmission. |

Polar S410 |
Intermediate / Running |
Manual heart rate training zone. Store 99 laps. Max/Ave HRs. Time in/above/below target zone. Three consecutive timers. Interval training set. Fitness test. Calorie counter. Coded analogue transmission. PC download with Polar Precision Performance software. |

Polar S520 |
Intermediate / Running / Cycling |
Manual heart rate training zone. Store 99 laps. Max/Ave HRs. Time in/above/below target zone. Three consecutive timers. Interval training set. Fitness test. Calorie counter. Coded analogue transmission. PC download with Polar Precision Performance software. Speed, distance and optional cadence for cyclists. |

Polar S610i |
Advanced / Running |
Manual heart rate training zone. Store 99 laps. Max/Ave HRs. Time in/above/below target zone. Three consecutive timers. Interval training set. Fitness test. Calorie counter. Coded analogue transmission. PC download with Polar Precision Performance software. Large memory. Infrared communication for upload and download. |

Polar S625X |
Advanced / Running / Cycling |
Manual heart rate training zone. Store 99 laps. Max/Ave HRs. Time in/above/below target zone. Three consecutive timers. Interval training set. Fitness test. OwnOptimizer test. Calorie counter. WearLink coded analogue transmitter. PC download with Polar Precision Performance software. Large memory. Infrared communication for upload and download. Running speed and distance with S1 Foot Pod. Compatible with various polar cycling sensors. |

Polar S720i |
Advanced / Running / Cycling |
Manual heart rate training zone. Store 99 laps. Max/Ave HRs. Time in/above/below target zone. Three consecutive timers. Interval training set. Fitness test. Calorie counter. Coded analogue transmission. PC download with Polar Precision Performance software. Cycling speed, distance and optional cadence. Large memory. Infrared communication for upload and download. Optional power output sensor. |
The older A and M series of Polar heart rate monitors have been superceded but can still be bought at some online and offline outlets.
The A series (superceded):
Model |
Type |
Main Features |

Polar A1 |
Basic |
Current heart rate. Average heart rate. |

Polar A3 |
Basic / Intermediate |
Manual/Auto heart rate training zone. Average heart rate. Time in target zone. |

Polar A5 |
Intermediate |
Manual/Auto heart rate training zone. Average heart rate. Time in target zone. Calorie counter. |
The M series (superceded):
Model |
Type |
Main Features |

Polar M21/M22 |
Intermediate |
Manual/Auto heart rate training zone. Average heart rate. Time in target zone. Calorie counter |
 Polar M32 |
Intermediate |
Manual/Auto heart rate training zone. Average heart rate. Time in target zone. Calorie counter. WearLink coded transmitter. |
 Polar M51/M52 |
Intermediate |
Manual/Auto heart rate training zone. Average heart rate. Time in target zone. Calorie counter. Fitness test. Two user profiles. |
 Polar M61 |
Intermediate |
Manual/Auto heart rate training zone. Average heart rate. Time in target zone. Calorie counter. Fitness test. Two user profiles. WearLink coded transmitter. |
 Polar M71ti |
Intermediate |
Manual/Auto heart rate training zone. Time in target zone. Calorie counter. Help text hint. Titanium wrist watch casing. |
 Polar M91ti |
Intermediate |
Manual/Auto heart rate training zone. Average heart rate. Time in target zone. Calorie counter. Fitness test. Two user profiles. Titanium wrist watch casing. |
Please visit Polar's official web site for more information.
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