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Omron Heart Rate Monitor Reviews
On this page you will find links to Omron heart rate monitor reviews by users on Amazon. Probably the people most qualified to help you with your buying decision are the users of the specific heart rate monitor models in question. So take a look at the reviews they have submitted. They may either confirm your decision or make you think twice.
The HR-100C is one of the most popular heart rate monitors for sale on Amazon. Its popularity is due to its ease of use, low price and (for many people) its lack of complicated and unnecessary features.
Omron Reviews:
Model |
Rating |
User Pros |
User Cons |
Reviews |
 HR-100C |
**** |
Simple to use. Cheap. Comfortable chest strap. Interface with gym equipment.
Interference. Takes a while to pick up heart rate when starting. |
Omron HR-100C Reviews |
The Pros and Cons column entries are meant to be a snapshot of the user reviews. Please read the reviews to get the full picture. Remember no heart rate monitor is perfect and they all have their pros and cons.
Please visit Omron's official web site for more information.
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